+49 521 / 524 58 58         info@tidick.de

Bookbinding and printing supplies

Tidick Ringbuchtechnik brings you a wide range of products in the field of bookbinding and printing supplies. Our range is aimed at both the craftsman and industry. We can deliver any “just in time” products, quickly and cheaply.

Based on our over 50 years of experience, our staff have the expert knowledge you need, and they are only too happy to help your choose the right bookbinding and printing supplies product you need.

Our overriding aim is complete customer satisfaction. That’s why we look for the highest quality when choosing our bookbinding and printing supplies . The majority of our products are either made in-house or produced in Germany. The quality promise “Made in Germany” is critical, particularly with regard to bookbinding and printing supplies . Your product should make a great impression with features such as durability and high quality; that’s why we place great emphasis on high quality components and accessories in the manufacturing process. Nothing is more irritating than a tool which stops working, adhesive which doesn’t stick properly, or a mechanism which doesn’t close properly. If your compromise on quality, it’s a false economy as you should combine the work you invest in your product with components of the highest quality.

Our range of products for bookbinding and printing supplies includes tools such as pliers for fitting book corners, splints and eyelets. We have developed some of these tools ourselves, incorporating our customers’ wishes and requirements for a practical, durable fixing tool. Toggle presses, hydraulic presses, and bone folders are other typical tools and represent just a small part of the accessories we can deliver across the whole area of bookbinding and printing supplies. As well as tools, we supply components which can be directly incorporated in your product such as ring binder mechanisms, foam boards or book corners. Naturally, our bookbinding and printing supplies range also includes the accessories you need, such as bookbinding glue.

Tools | Fastener





Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de




Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de




Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de




Ösen Sondergrößen





Special sizes and designs, for example, with counter- disc, on request.




Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de



Product Safety
Manufacturer: Tidick Ringbuchtechnik GmbH, Karl-Peters-Str. 5, 33605 Bielefeld
E-Mail: info@tidick.de


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